Članica nove družine

Članica nove družine

A member of new family

Danes je prav poseben dan. Dan novi začetkov, novih priložnosti in novih izzivov. Z veseljem povem, da sem postala članica ustvarjalne ekipe spletnega bloga Scrapping4funchallenges, ki na vsake 14 dni ponudi ustvarjalkam nov izziv. Tako bodo od danes pa vse do avgusta moji izdelki navdih ostalim.

Today is a special day. It's a day of new begininngs, a day of new opportunities and of new challenges. I am proud to anounce I've become a member of designe team for Scrapping4funchallenges blog. Every 14 days ther's a new challenge for crafters like me. So from todayon and until August you'll be able to check my creations and take it as inspiration for something you create.

Tema prvega izziva so ženske. Čeprav so pri nas vsi pomembnejši ženski prazniki mimo, ne pomeni, da ne moremo prav vsak dan praznovati to kar smo. Edinstvene, močne, lepe, nežne, čutne, čuteče, mehke, odločne,... Lahko bi naštevala neskončno dolgo. Vse smo izjemne, a nekaj prav posebnega so mame. Vsaka, ki je blagoslovljena s to možnostjo, ve, da je postati mama nekaj najlepšega in hkrati najtežjega. Ni lahko biti nekomu center sveta, vzor in idol in še vedno ostati ti ti. Ker globoko spoštujem vse mame, sem danes naredila čestitko prav za njih.

A theme of my first challenge is ladies. Eventhough all the major hollidays dedicated to women have already past in slovenia, there's no reason we can't celebrate what we are every single day. We are uniquw, strong, beautiful, gentle, sensual, sensitive, soft, decisive,... I could go on and on. We are all amaizing, but moms are something special. Every woman, who is blessed to become a mother, knows that this role is something most beautiful that could happen in your life, but at the same time also the hardest thing. It's not easy to be someon's center of the world, an example, an idol and still remain yourself. Because I have the most deepest respect for all mothers, i created this card for them.

Sponzor izziva Bugaboo Stamps nam je namenil super digi štampiljko, ki zelo lepo ponazarja en aspekt materinstva. Ne malokrat imaš občutek, da te vleče na sto strani in če bi naredili še približno 10 tvojih klonov, jim ne bi uspelo postoriti vsega na neskončnem spisku opravil in nalog. Ta čestitka na hudomušen način prikazuje ravno to.

This month's sponsor Bugaboo stamps was kind enough to give us this great digi stamp that shows one aspect of matherhood. Quite often you have a feeling you are beeing pulled at hundret different directions and even if you got cloned ten times, you still wouldn't be able to do all the tasks and choirs on your list. So this card illustrates that in mischievous way.

Lepo vabljeni k ogledu bloga in inspiracijskih izdelkov ostalih članic ustvarjalne ekipe. Spremljate nas lahko tudi na Facebooku in Instagramu.

You are kindly invited to visit blog Scrapping4funchallenges where you can check for other inspirational creations of designe team members,as well as our Facebook profile or Instagram.

Izziv #166 - Ženske
Challenge #166 - Ladies


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