Bicycle My farewell Today I will borrow song one of greatest groups there ever was. Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like. Queen - Bicycle race Today is a bitter sweet moment. It's friday again which means it's time for our new challenge. Yeeey :) But at the same time, it's my last entry as a designe team member. I have to admit it's been a bit of a rollercoaster this couple of months. I am really greatful for the opportunity to become a part of this amaizing group of women who dedicate their time to crafting. It's been a challenge each and every time, since I am not really comfortable with colouring. But I wanted to try something new, to see if I can do it, to see how well I can do it. Thank you Rachel for having me, guiding me, cheering me up. And thank you all for following me here, on my Facebook page or Instagram. With...
Prikaz objav, dodanih na avgust, 2020
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True women Hi again. It's time to present to you our new challenge at Scrapping4fun Challenges blog. This time theme is Anything goes, so spread your wings, give everything you have and pour your soul and heart into the next project and than share it with us. Click here to enter the challenge. This forthnight we are creating cards with The Paper Shelters digital stamps. We all recived a beautiful Queen bee . But before I show you what I created, I have to share a couple of words with you. I have a great opportunity to be part of community where womenhood is praised, respected and reintroduced to the world in it's natural form. We women often forget who and what we are and we become overworked, overexhausted, overheated and basically we are turning into men. When I saw this digi stamp it remainded me of true feminine naure. I got some pinup vibe from it. A pin up girl is not ashamed of her curves, of her body, of her looks. She is proudly introducing herself to the world....
50 odtenkov vijolične
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Enobarvni svet Svet ustvarjanja je naravnost čudovit. Ne glede na to koliko časa že pluješ v njem, vedno lahko najdeš nekaj novega, še neraziskano področje ali star trik predstavljen na nov način. Ob besedi monokromatsko najprej pomislim na črno-bele fotografije, ki jim je sledil črno bel film. Dan danes pa živimo v svetu miljon odtenkov različnih barv. Ste kdaj pomislili, da bi si odvzeli vse te neštete možnosti? Da bi svet gledali samo v eni barvi? Ravno tak izziv so nam postavile Papirčkarice. Izbira je bila naša. Lahko si se odločil za katerokoli barvo, a smel si uporabiti le to z nekaj dodatki bele ali črne. Sprva sem rekla, o ne, to pa ne bo šlo. Fuuuj vse v eni barvi. Gledala sem inspiracijske izdelke članic ustvarjalnega tima in jih občudovala. Sploh niso bili napačni. No pa sem poskusila še sama. Izbrala sem si vijolično barvo, ker se mi je zdelo, da imam doma dovolj različnih odtenkov ustvarjalnega materila. Le zakaj 😏 Mogoče ker je ena mojih ljubših barv, poleg z...
Under the ocena
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Under the ocean Hey, hey, how are you all doing? I hope you are enjoying summer despite this new situation with corona virus and despite unusually cold temperatures. Summer is my favourite time of year. One of the reasons is ocean. i love sea, swimming, snorkling, sunbathing not so much, all water fulishnes... I turn into a child at sea side. So I am really happy we have this super challenge this forthnight. Create something ocean related and join us at Scrapping4 fun Challenges. This time we got our great digi stamps from our lovely sponsor Polkadoodles. You are welcome to browse their page and find something for yourself. I am sure that won't be hard to do. I decided to colour my digi stamp and make it a foucous of card. It is gorgeous and I didn't want to add anything extra to it. I coloured backgorund "a little bit off" but I wanted it that way to creat a bit more waterly feeling. I also used plastic stencil to wipe off some extra colour to create extra bubles. T...